This week was Scott's spring break so we decided to go to Boise to look for apartment
Catherine is now almost 3 weeks old and getting more and more alert. Her baby acne just showed up and, I'm hoping, it is gone by her blessing on the 1st of May. She stays awake for longer periods of time now. I love having her awake! She is also sleeping for 5 hours at night now. She has started holding her head up, she is getting so big!
We also were able to make it to Grace this week. While in Grace we stopped to see Scott's grandparents (his Dad's parents) and they absolutely loved Catherine as well. So she had a week full of great-grandparents. It was pretty cool to see them with her. Also Scott's brother and sister-in-law K'Lyn brought their new little girl out to Scott's parents house so we could see them. Their little girl was born 3 days after